Category Archives: Writing process

The Story Behind the Story

If an adoring fan hadn’t given indie-rock star Andrew Bird and each of his three band members a hand-sewn sock monkey fashioned in their likenesses, The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea might never have been written. At the time, my son-in-law Martin Dosh, an instrumental electronic hip-hop performer, was touring extensively with Andrew Bird, whose best-selling album… Read More

Out Into the Wide Wide World

In an early chapter of The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea: The Story of Annaliese Easterling and Throckmorton, Her Simply Remarkable Sock Monkey, Throckmorton is reunited with his sock monkey cousin, Captain Eugene S. Monkey. Captain Eugene belongs to nine-year-old Annaliese’s older brother Teddy. Throckmorton immediately notices that Captain Eugene’s limbs are badly stained in some places… Read More

Throckmorton S. Monkey portrait pose with ducky diaper pin

Eileen Joins an Author Blog Tour!

Welcome to The Story Continues, the blog of children’s book author Eileen Beha. Hi! My name is Mr. Throckmorton S. Monkey. I’m a red-heeled sock monkey and one of the main characters in Eileen’s new novel for middle-grade readers, The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea: The Story of Annaliese Easterling and Throckmorton, Her Simply Remarkable Sock Monkey.… Read More