Tag Archives: Tango

From the Mailbag No. 2

Dear Jolie, The Publicity Department at Simon & Schuster has forwarded your letter of March, 2016 to me. Thank you so much for writing. I was delighted to hear from you! I am also happy to answer your insightful questions. Regarding your first question, at the story’s end, Tango did not actually find his mother… Read More

Something Good

When I stood in front of the crowd of well-wishers who’d gathered together at Red Balloon Bookshop in St. Paul on August 26th to celebrate the launch of The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea, I felt for a few dazed moments as if I’d been suspended inside my own story, on stage in the ballroom of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea,… Read More

The Story Behind the Story

If an adoring fan hadn’t given indie-rock star Andrew Bird and each of his three band members a hand-sewn sock monkey fashioned in their likenesses, The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea might never have been written. At the time, my son-in-law Martin Dosh, an instrumental electronic hip-hop performer, was touring extensively with Andrew Bird, whose best-selling album… Read More

Throckmorton S. Monkey portrait pose with ducky diaper pin

Eileen Joins an Author Blog Tour!

Welcome to The Story Continues, the blog of children’s book author Eileen Beha. Hi! My name is Mr. Throckmorton S. Monkey. I’m a red-heeled sock monkey and one of the main characters in Eileen’s new novel for middle-grade readers, The Secrets of Eastcliff-by-the-Sea: The Story of Annaliese Easterling and Throckmorton, Her Simply Remarkable Sock Monkey.… Read More